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Energy: 4 Things I Do To Feed My Soul



Nov 1, 2020


Some days I wake up so tired and out of it. I’m drained, mentally exhausted and just disconnected. While I’d like to blame it on the baby and my new hectic schedule, this isn’t physical exhaustion I’m experiencing, it’s mental and spiritual fatigue.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t slowly drift away from some of the things that brought me peace. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who deleted the Bible app because it took up too much space on the phone. Or am I?

The world seems to be moving so fast these days, the news is constantly rolling in, social media became a hog for my time and attention and I’ve fallen in the seemingly endless loop of pouring into my physical and social commitments while neglecting to care for the inner me.

So, recently, I’ve introduced or re-introduced some very important, mind easing and calming activities to help me regain that inner peace.

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It’s been such a long time since I’ve kept a journal. I would go through a ton of books back in the day because I wrote my dreams, my goals, my experiences, what made me happy, who made me mad almost every day. Someway, somehow I slowly drifted away from one of the things that brought me peace and helped me to clear my mind. I bought a new journal recently and I’ve been getting back to consistently writing love letters to myself.

A Scripture A Day

Your spirit just knows when it’s not being fed and it finds the weirdest ways to tell you. A few weeks ago I downloaded a women’s daily devotional app that gives a scripture and a lesson a day that specifically speak to the things women encounter: health, family, work, spirituality. I’ve been reading my devotional every morning before I do anything else, and already I can feel the difference.

Read more books

If you know me well then you’d know that I’m an avid reader! These days my flipping through a book has partially been replaced with scrolling through my phone for work and play, but I’m falling back in love with my first love and committing to spending more time getting lost in some pages.

Pray with intention

I pray. Yes I do. But these days I’m learning to be more specific, more direct and more intentional when I do. Skimming over things, mentioning my wants and needs in general terms isn’t cutting it anymore. So I’m being very up front and assertive with what I want and need. I’m praying without ceasing and without playing!

What do you do to feed your soul?

Energy: 4 Things I Do To Feed My Soul

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