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My June Needs Are…

Beauty, Life, LookOfTheDay


Jun 1, 2016


Hey!!!!!! I’m back with this month’s needs list!

The beauty, fashion or lifestyle things I crave/desire/fiend for/must have/better get/or else…LOL! I totally missed last month because…I literally missed last month! Like, where did May go?! This year is flying by so fast I swear it has me in a tailspin and it seems the only things that will keep me afloat for the month ahead are the items on this list!

1.A beautiful, golden, glowy tan Yes, I am a black girl! Yes, my skin is already a beautiful caramel color…but I want a tan this summer and I will get one. I want to lay out in my bikini by my favorite pool or beach, lather my body in the sweetest smelling tanning oil and let the sun’s rays bake me to a goddess gold; the kind of gold you get from baked apple pie! YAAASSSSS! I want to be an apple pie…for the color at least. With my new goldenĀ blonde hair, I think I need sunkissed skin to really make this look pop!


Lippie: PuckerUp Cosmetics liquid matte “Brooklyn”

2. Short distressed jeans So sexy, so summer, so chic! I’ve had a million pairs of short jeans in my time, but I don’t think I’ve ever find the right ones, the perfect ones that could be the accent to every outfit. Shredded, cut and distressed, maybe with a light acid wash and just the perfect length…not really pum pum shorts, but something classy and classic. I found the perfect Levi’s pair (see featured image on this page) recently and I can’t wait to rock ’em!


3. Clear, see-through, perspex heelsĀ – Can we talk for a minute? Like can we spill tea? I AM HERE for the re-emergence of the plastic, clear look on the spring/summer shoe collection. I’d fallen in love with it a few months back when I purchased these…

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

I know, I know, horribly styled and the shoes could make you look pole-ready, especially when the whole shoe is see-through. But with more spring inspired styles coming out, the fashions are lighter, more airy, more cool, more summer, more see-through and I love!!!! I actually ordered two pairs recently, yes two, and I am eagerly anticipating their arrivals! Pedicure here I come!


What are you craving this month? What’s your next beauty/fashion purchase?

My June Needs Are…

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