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My Summer Skincare Regimen

Beauty, Life, LookOfTheDay


Jun 8, 2016


“It’s hot as hell,” is a gross understatement, over used cliche and misrepresentation of the heat we are truly experiencing.


Living in The Bahamas, I’ve always loved our tropical climate with cool breezes and the warmth of the sun baking us to a golden glow. It’s always been bearable, inviting and soothing. But things have surely changed! The weather is different! Summer ’16 hasn’t officially arrived as yet but the temperatures say differently. A simple walk from the house to the car and you’re melting your makeup off. Sitting at the gas station as you fill up your “Betsy” and instantly your arm pits are leaking!


…and it’s still spring! So I could only imagine what will happen when summer arrives at the party. For this reason, I’ve taken a keen interest in protecting my skin from all the harm that could be done by such hot and sometimes dry weather.

I’ve always been proud to say that my skin has always been good to me, even when I haven’t always treated it so well. And not treating it so well came with taking forever to update and upgrade my skin care regimen as I got older. I recently realised that those over the counter skin care products that I loved in college and even as far back as high school had to go! Simply put, my 19-year-old skin is much different from my 30-year-old skin so my products should be as well.

So on a recent trip to New York, I popped into Sephora and with a little help from the perky and happy saleslady I bought some new products to make up my new skin care regimen!

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Clarins Exfoliating Cleanser

My favorite part is the orange extract! This face wash smells so great, so summery and citrusy! Unlike other exfoliants I’ve used, it’s more gentle and refined. The scrubbing granules are smaller and really exfoliates rather than harshly scrub the skin. They say the orange extract helps to brighten and rejuvenate the skin.

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Belif Moisturizing Bomb

Yeah…my Clean and Clear moisturizer just wasn’t cutting it anymore so I opted for this daily cream that already makes my skin so smooth and fresh feeling. It’s lightweight, provides great coverage and works great with my makeup. Also, it’s for grown up skin!

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Ole Henriksen 3 Little Wonders

I’ve never tried face serums before, but for some reason I had to get my hand on this one. This Ole Henriksen 3-step pack I found comes with a Vitamin C serum with orange extract and collagen boosters; an invigorating night cream and moisturizing face cream. The 3-part system is said to provide amazing moisture, glowy skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and pores.

Major shopping tip: Of course the saleslady offered me all the full size items that were accompanied by full sized prices. But as I stood in line waiting to check out, I noticed that 2 of the items I were about to purchase came in travel sizes…and cost way less! Since I’m just trying these items out for the first time, I figured why not get the smaller sizes and see how it goes! It only makes sense right?!

What are some of your summer skincare practices? Share in the comment section below!

My Summer Skincare Regimen

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