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Mini-skirts & Microphones

Como la Flor…

Beauty, Life


Mar 7, 2016


“Como la Flor” translates to like the flower in English and it just so happens to be one of my favorite songs from slain Mexican tejano singer Selena! OMG every time that movie comes on I watch it and cry like I’ve never seen it before. If you haven’t seen it (or have been living under a rock), Selena is the bio pic of the young singer’s life, her music career that was about to peak, right before she was murdered by her jealous assistant and “best friend.” Jennifer Lopez brought her to life in that movie!

Anyway…before I get in my feelings, I took a ride around New Providence on Sunday March 6 and at every turn, through every corner, on every stop light, outside every home were flowers of all kinds in bloom!

Big, colorful, lush, loud and vibrant!

This song played in my head every time I saw another one of nature’s bouquets and I had to take photos!

Take a look at the beauty below and listen to Como la Flor…video also below!

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Como la Flor…

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